Welcome to Dragomon!
This is a virtual rpg that is Similar to Pokemon(c)Nintendo) Now, enter the world of Dragomon!
Azure: Welcome to Dragomon! My name is Azure and I will help you through this tutorial!
Let us begin.
Now the title makes you think it's all about dragons. BUT ITS NOT!
We have other different species! You will encounter more on your Journey.
Now, its time for some learning on what your up against!
About Them
they are called Dragomon because Dragons are the main monster out of many other monsters.
They are playful little creatures that can do lots of things/. They come in a variety of different colors, and they are very friendly to humans. Some humans use them to enter fassion shows, Musicals, or battle with eatchother to see who's is best.
You can breed 2 Dragomon like this!
A costom is made at Light Dragon's customization center!
Main color:
Wing color(s):
Horn color:
Eye color:
Type (Musicals, Battles, or Fassion show?):
Musicals, Battles, and Fassion shows
There is a dragon best for eatch one.
if they have a Blue dot on the right hand corner, they are best at battles
if they have a Pink dot on the right hand corner, they are best at fassion shows
if they have a green dot on the right hand corner, the are best at Musicals
Fire: Red dot on the left hand corner
Water: blue dot on the left hand corner
Grass: green dot on the left hand corner
Lightning: yellow dot on the left hand corner
Ice: Light blue dot on the left hand corner
Light: No dot
Dark: black dot on the left hand corner
earth: brown dot on the left hand corner
Weaknesses and resistance (Battles only)
Fire > grass
Grass > water
Water > fire
Ice > Water
Earth > lightning
Dark = light
Water > earth
lightning > water
What are wild Dragomon?
The are Mellon dragons that live in the wild. You can catch them with dragonstars.
...Dragon stars?
They are the Pokeballs of Dragomon. Instaid of having 5 dragons following you at once, you cane have just 1 out or even none. You use these to catch wild Dragomon.
Whats so good about Raritys?
The rarer, the better! We have,
Very Common
Super rare
At a certain level, a Dragomon eveolves. When evolving the Dragomon grows stronger, and gets bigger in size and apperance. The first stage eveolves at level 20, the 2nd stage at 50, and it's last stage grows to level 70, then they can't level up anymore.
What are levels?
The higher the level, the stronger the Dragomon! levels can give you cooler moves, and evelution.
What are Awards?
The Awards include, Trofies, Bagdes, and ribbons. You can obtain them by,
Trofies- Win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a musical.
Badges- Win against a Battle League
Ribbons- Win 1st or 2nd in a Fassion show.
Moves are a dragomon's special power that are used for musicals and battles. The moves can be powerful and hurt the foe, or be just plain pretty. Your dragomon starts with the moves...
Fire starter: Bite and Flame spit
Water Starter: Bite and Splash attack
Grass Starter: Bite and Leaf attack
as they move on, They will learn more moves. (Long list ahead)
Fire: Lv1= Flamespit Lv5= Flaming sheild Lv10= FlameThrower Lv15= Flameroller Lv20= Volcanic Eruption
How 2 Play?
How to battle other people? (WIP)
*Backgrounds vary by element
You can claim 5 Dragomon at once, you must unclaim one to claim another one.
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